The Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc c/o Mr. E Anthony Archer - Secretary, No. 59, 2nd. Avenue, Pillersdorf Development, Long Gap Grazettes, St. Michael BB 12022, BARBADOS
From left to right: Mr. Lennox Prescod, Massy Foundation Inc., Mrs. Marsha Alleyne, Barbados Tourism Marketing Inc., Mr. Keith Yearwood, Public Relations Officer, Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc., Mr. John Hollingsworth, Director, National Disabilities Unit, Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc., Ms. Roslyn Hurley, Special Envoy for Persons with Disabilities, Rev. Dr. John Danner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva, Florida, USA, The Hon. Kirk D.M. Humphrey, M.P. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Government of Barbados; and Mr. Jehu Wiltshire, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs at the Appreciation Ceremony on May 6, 2023
Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc. welcoming everyone to the Appreciation Ceremony on May 6, 2023.
Mr. Lennox Prescod of the Massy Foundation Inc. delivering his remarks at the Ceremony.
Rev. Dr. John Danner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva, Florida, USA, and Co-Chair of the Wheels for Wheels Annual Cycling Challenge delivers his remarks at the Ceremony.
The Hon. Kirk D.M. Humphrey, M.P. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Government of Barbados delivered the Feature Address at the Ceremony.
Mr. Erwin Yearwood receives his wheelchair at the Ceremony from Mr. Lionel Weekes and Rev. Dr. John Danner.
The Hon. Kirk D.M. Humphrey, M.P. Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs, Government of Barbados receives a plaque from Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc.
Mr. Lennox Prescod of the Massy Foundation Inc. receiving a plaque from Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc.
Rev. Dr. John Danner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva, Florida, USA, and Co-Chair of the wheels for Wheels Annual Cycling Challenge receiving a plaque from Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Forde, M.P. former Minister of People Empowerment and Elder Affairs receiving a bouquet from Mr. E Anthony Archer, Secretary, Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc.
Mr. Lionel Weekes, President of the Wheelchair Foundation of Barbados Inc. receiving banners from representatives of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva, Florida, USA, Rev. Dr. John Danner, Past President of the Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva, Florida, USA